There is a road from the eye to the heart
that does not go throught the intellect


Azadeh Shladovsky...minimalist glamour.

                                                   Photography Via Azadeh Shladovsky's website

The iranian born Los Angeles based designer  Azadeh Shladovsky 's Fur­ni­ture Col­lec­tion (May 2012 issue of Elle Dec­o­ra­tion) fea­tures nat­ural, organic forms and mate­ri­als imbued with a sleek glam­our. The debut-collection is cur­rently on dis­play at Jean de Merry in Los Angeles.

A self-proclaimed “mate­ri­als junkie”, the Iranian-born Los Ange­les based Shladovsky has the eye of a mod­ernist archi­tect and the finesse of a fine jeweler. Her Torre stool is a work of art – the hum­ble stump trans­formed into a func­tional work of art with the addi­tion of sim­ple but strik­ing lin­ear brass inlays. “I couldn’t pos­si­bly, in my wildest dreams, cre­ate some­thing that had as much inter­est and depth as this piece of wood”, Shladovsky remarks, whilst run­ning her fin­gers across the top of the nat­u­rally creviced oak block that is the basis of her Torre stool.
The nine-piece col­lec­tion is pared down, but rich with con­trast­ing tex­tures. A ­cock­tail table is con­structed of stacked oak four-by-fours wrapped with nickel bands. A bench mixes Amer­i­can rose­wood, painted brass, and cush­ions made from clouds of Patag­on­ian long-hair sheep­skin. The same exu­ber­ant uphol­stery tops metal stools and maple ottomans that wouldn’t have been out of place in Jean Harlow’s boudoir. A col­lec­tion which mar­ries time­less refine­ment with rus­tic elements.
Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from Cy Twombly, Yves Saint Lau­rent, and Le Cor­busier, Shlad­ovsky treats furniture-making as an artis­tic pur­suit. “Doing away with excess is what’s rel­e­vant now,” she says. “I’m not inter­ested in con­tribut­ing to the land­fill. We can live sim­pler lives with fewer pieces that are more meaningful.”




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