There is a road from the eye to the heart
that does not go throught the intellect


Let yourself feel...

Hello , thank you so much for dropping by here
 I guess no matter what the reason you write for your blog maybe you are writing to share your point of view about whatever catches your eye or just get things off your chest. I guess if I ever think of things that I thought made no sense or an idea that I want to see how others would accept...then I am in the right place.I guess that's why we are all here . So whatever comes to mind, I put it out there in the form of music, decorating ,designing writing, drawing, a video be creative is the question ;).Being honest I wanted this blog to be focused on my work and be more professional but I know myself very well and I'm clear that's impossible.My work is my life ...I've never been able to work a job that my heart was not into .It's like a mirror of myself so I can't keep my work from who I am .I could say I really love all the forms of artistic expression very specially MUSIC...."Music is the shorthand of emotion"~Leo Tolstoy.It would be really nice to meet people who connect with my taste in music.
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I'm actually in awe of gifted people who are really good in grasping the essence of all that is around us .I greatly appreciate kind , generous,caring people who love and enjoy every moment passionately cherishing everyday like it was their the know everyday counts.I love those who are able to stir my heart ,those who don't be afraid to show themselves and devote their lifes to dare their dream..I just want to see the world, experience everything, and literally "learn something new every day .That's why I 'm not able to classify this blog within a genre. That would mean I've got an “art blog,” where everything can be held up...kind of like how art ,design ,decoration ,music films are hard to classify, but make up a genre of themselves .I would like my blog was about celebrating other talented people's work So here I am just following the path I dreamed of ...hope you like this blog and enjoy with me

"Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You cannot get there by bus, only by hard work, risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful; yourself."

let yourself feel. from Esteban Diácono on Vimeo.

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